Your Legacy Can Have A Direct Impact And Save Lives.


A bequest is a donation or gift made through your Will. By remembering Dog Rescue Newcastle in your Will, you will be helping us to save the lives of homeless dogs and cats.

When you donate to Dog Rescue Newcastle all of your money stays in our region. Since we have no employees and low overheads, your donation goes directly to supporting homeless dogs and cats in our care, not on high executive salaries or slick marketing campaigns.

Writing a valid Will is very important.  Without one, your estate can be distributed as decided by the courts rather than as you wish. You should speak with your solicitor when writing your Will and consider your important beneficiaries first when deciding how to distribute your assets.

You can also include a charity such as Dog Rescue Newcastle in your Will. A bequest to DRN can be of any size, large or small – it will be of great significance in helping us provide love and care for animals in need.

The following wording may be included in your Will:

“I leave $_____ to Dog Rescue Newcastle, ABN 92 544 122 852, for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the secretary, treasurer, or other proper officers of that organisation is a sufficient receipt for my Trustee and that my Trustee is not obliged to see to the application of this bequest.”              
This might need to be adapted to your particular needs. 
For example, you may decide to leave a percentage of your assets to DRN, rather than a fixed amount.  Or you might choose to dedicate a specific asset (like shares, an antique, or real estate).
 It is also possible to bequest the “rest and residue” of your estate, meaning any assets that not otherwise distributed to beneficiaries in your Will would be gifted to DRN. 
You can also ask that donations to DRN be made in your name instead of flowers at your memorial service.
Please seek legal advice on including or changing this wording in your Will, to make sure that your wishes are legally binding.

Plan for the Care of Your Own Pets

Who will care for your pets if you’re no longer able? Please make plans for their care and write those plans into your will. Talk to your executor, loved ones and neighbours and make sure they know your wishes. By the time your will is found and read it could be too late for your pets if the people close to you didn’t know what you wanted.
If you don’t have anyone who will look after your dogs and cats for you, please contact us to discuss how DRN can help.
Contact Us for More Information
If you or your solicitor would like more information please contact us on
We truly appreciate the generosity of our donors.  If you have included a bequest in your Will, we would like to thank you for your bequest. If you would like to let us know about it, please contact our Bequests Coordinator (above). You won’t be asked the details of your gift.