Let’s Talk: Overactive Barking

WOOF WOOF .. How To Stop My Dog From Overactive Barking!

Well wouldn’t we all like to know exactly what our doggo’s are saying when they start barking over and over. You know, not just one or two woofs, but that loud barking that echos though us humans. 
It’s important to understand that barking is a dogs form of communication. In order to reduce overactive barking an owner first must figure out why the dog is barking.
Teaching your dog how to stop barking is the same as learning any obedience skill, practice, repetition and consistency is key. Redirection is the most effective way to enforce this skill, once your dog is distracted from the cause, he’ll start to focus on learning how to stop barking. 

Common Reasons For Barking: 

  • Being territorial

  • Bordom

  • Excitement

  • fear

  • Lack of exercise

  • lack of socialisation

Techniques To Train Your Dog:

First off, interrupt your pooch’s overactive barking immediately, because if he continues this behaviour he is creating a habit. You should become a ‘positive interrupter’, which means you intercept his barking and redirect his response. 
It is important to take your dogs fixation off the stimulant and make him focus on you. You can do this by standing in the way of your dog and using a key word to regain his attention. Once he settles you can continue to praise him for looking, but not barking at the cause. This teaches the pooch that calm behaviour will be rewarded. 
As soon as your dog shows signs of interest in something and you feel he may start barking, become a positive interrupter before he starts. Happily say his name, shake your keys, click your fingers, or say a cue word. Praise your dog for giving you focus and distract him from what could have caused him to bark. 
It is highly important that you are consistent every time your dog overactivity barks, the more he understands what behaviour is rewardable the more he will swiftly learn to not bark. 
Eventually, you won’t need treats every time. However, while training treats are the best way to instil good behaviour into your pooch. Once he is comfortable in his new trained habit, you can reward him with praise and surprise him with treats. Don’t cut out treats all together, but give him enough treats in the week to know that he may be expecting one, this will continue good responses, as the dog may think he’ll get a treat. 

What Not To Do: 

The most important thing to NOT DO when your dog is overactive barking is to contribute. Do not start raising your voice, as the dog will only think that you are joining in. 
Don’t use gadgets such as electric shock collars or spray bottles, as these forms of punishment may be misled by the dog. When a dog starts barking, he is often looking at something, if he receives a punishment while looking at the stimulant, he could associate fearful or anxious tiggers when seeing it again. Which could result in the the same outcome, barking. 

How To Enrich Your Dogs Life When You Aren’t Home


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